The Different and Proud Campaign
Being born with a Cleft Lip and Palate definitely makes you different but we know everyone else is unique too! That is why we are launching the "Different and Proud Campaign" with the hope of raising both awareness for Cleft Lip and Palate as well as other craniofacial differences, in addition to funds for CleftProud.
With that said, we want to know what makes you different and why you are proud of it! Please email us here with either a video or paragraph explaining what makes you different. It can be anything about yourself that makes you different, no matter how big or small (and it doesn't have to be physical). We can keep your submission anonymous if you would like but we are planning on creating a wonderful collage of everyone's unique differences to show the world that different is normal and it is great to be different.
We encourage you to donate any amount (and/or purchase items in our store) during the month of July to help us take CleftProud to the next level.
This would make it possible for us to:
Continue to serve the Cleft community as an educational and emotional resource
Give future college scholarships to students with Cleft
Hold future events around the US
Expand our services and resources
We encourage you to participate in both activities to not only support CleftProud but to raise awareness for Cleft Lip and Palate and other craniofacial differences by showing that even people who weren't born with a craniofacial difference are just as unique.
Be sure to check in on this page to keep up with the donation total!
If you donate:
$10 or more: Recieve a CleftProud Wristband
$25 or more: Recieve a CleftProud Magnet
$50 or more: Recieve an official CleftProud "Different and Proud" Campaign T-Shirt (Pictured below)
$75 or more: Recieve everything listed above
$100 or more: Become listed on our website as an angel contributor
$500 or more: Recieve a $150 gift card to our website and become listed on our website as an angel contributor
$1,000 or more: Recieve everything listed above